The Accordion Tribe
Intuition Music
Depending on your point of view, you can either thank or blame Guy Klucevsek for seeking out four other squeezebox players who share his interest in creating contemporary art music derived, in part, from folk materials.
The result of this worldwide talent search is the Accordion Tribe, a group made up of the USA's Klucevsek (pictured left, Giulietti Super Continental V piano accordion with five-row chromatic free bass), Slovenia's Bratko Bibic (Hohner Tango piano accordion), Sweden's Lars Hollmer (Zerosette piano accordion),
Finland's Maria Kalaniemi (pictured right, Bugari Etnos five-row free-bass button accordion) and Austria's Otto Lechner (Hohner Lucia piano accordion).
The Accordion Tribe was assembled by Hollmer from over 50 hours of concert tapes recorded during a three-week European tour in the spring of 1996. Aside from three group collaborations, the Tribe's repertory has been drawn from completed compositions, excerpts, sketches and work tapes contributed to the project by each member of the band. Modern and traditional elements are commingled here to great effect, making for an album that offers tremendous rewards to listeners who don't require stylistic road maps. - Ron Alden
see also: Maria Kalaniemi, Guy Klucevsek