Music of the Month
For a contribution of 21.00 a month, I'll be sending you a recording from somewhere interesting, each and every month. You will receive a CD in the mail, and regular monthly subcribers will also get a bonus CD now and then.
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"Comfort Food is rich, provocative and, like the moral universe it bends toward justice." - Lisa Sahulka in RootsWorld

A Music of the Month selection
Kiran Ahluwalia - Comfort Food

Kiran Ahluwalia

Comfort Food - cd cover Kiran Ahluwalia's Comfort Food is a powerful album about rising ethnic marginalization and political polarization in the world. Born in India, and living between New York City and Toronto, she brings her cultural roots to these original songs about life, longing and hope, working closely with guitarist Rez Abbasi and a small group of wonderful musicians.

She writes about the album:
"Can we say we are human, if we lack humanity?" she says about "Jaane Jahan," an anthem about the disturbing rise in cultural intolerance in India and the Diaspora. Its lyrics proclaim, "We bleed the same red, we shed the same salty tears." Comfort Food is filled with songs of protest and hope for a just society. "Writing these songs gave me an emotional release from my own sense of helplessness – in this way creating this album has been my comfort food."

This is only available to subscribers as a digital download.
Subscribe below and get this album, plus new music on CDs and digital downloads throughout the year.

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This music is donated by the artist and I thank her (and I hope, you) for supporting RootsWorld.

You can also buy previous Music of the Month titles in our shop
(and save a little on postage for more than one CD).


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