Daniele di Bonaventura
Bandoneon & Bandoneon
Dunya, Italy (www.felmay.it)

"Canto al Sole"
While the bandoneon is most closely associated with the tangos of Argentina, it should be remembered that the instrument itself was invented in Germany and has its roots in European music, much like the tango itself. While the passing of the great master Piazzolla was sad, it has done one positive thing for the instrument and the music, freeing all the musicians from his long shadow and allowing the listeners new experiences. Daniele di Bonaventura certainly provides that opportunity.

Bandoneon & Bandoneon is just that, the single instrument in the hands of a masterful player in a series of solo works (one vocal piece by Catia Violoni and two tracks where he plays the piano accompaniment are the exceptions), mostly original compositions that range from true tangos to bold new musical experiments, with a traditional Italian song and two Piazzolla compositions for good measure. Bonaventura is an expressive player, and even the covers are played with a unique personality as they pay reverent homage to the nuevo tango.

We have chosen an original composition to accompany this review, a work call "Canto Al Sole" that allows Bonaventura a full range of rhythmic and melodic expressions. It is vibrant yet graceful, technically challenging without showiness or pretension and well represents the mixture of talent and sensitivity that marks this recording. - CF

"Canto al sole" composed by Daniele Di Bonaventura
Published by Felmay srl
©2000 Felmay, used by permission

Available at cdRoots

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