Hamza El Din A Wish Sounds True (www.soundstrue.com)
Hamza El Din is a legendary oud master. At a time when many of the new releases of Middle Eastern derivation take advantage of up-tempo tabla and infuse them with pop, rock and new age tinkering, Hamza tacks another direction and allows the underlying music to come forth. He employs clean melodic lines that are stripped to their essences and often accompanied by his deep, resonant vocals that evoke North African musical ideals. Alone, his voice and instrument are a beautiful combination ("Anesigu"). A rural mood is captured on "Sunset," an instrumental piece of variations on a composition by Riad El Sumbati and originally prepared as a work for Oum Kulthum. A poem by Ilia Abu Madi is the basis for "Griffin 2," accompanied by the nay playing of Amy Cyr and doumbek and clay drums of Hani Naser. Vocals plus traditional syncopated handclapping and rhythmic cycles capture the festive wedding feel on "Nagrishad." The poignancy of A Wish is captured in the title song, a portion of which will convey its mood: "When the flooded lands return, green as they once were east and west of the banks of the Nile, date palms will stand tall filled with fruit, filled with white, red and brown fruit, in the country where we measured out the dates, sharing the fruit among ourselves, where once we sat and chatted." Here in the Pacific Northwest we see bumper stickers that read "Asphalt is Forever!" Truth is, it's not. After almost thirty years working in the Middle East as an archaeologist, I have witnessed how time and the elements treat human engineering endeavors and even high dams shouldn't be considered permanent fixtures. What that may mean for Nubia's future is anyone's guess. Hamza El Din's A Wish is something to savor for now. - Richard Dorsett
Available at cdRoots
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