"Supermarketin parkkipaikalla" (The supermarket parking lot)
By Jaakko Laitinen
In the morning
daily magazine brought the message
today and only today
you could grasp the super-offer

Minced meat half price
free plastic buckets
the daddy slips in his glove
the mother's speech gets restless

  In the supermarket parking lot
  there is a crowd and a buzz
  In the supermarket parking lot
  you can hear the schackles clinging
The hopeful family
gets out of the station wagon
the mum is following as the father
moves confidently like a king

He squeezes through the mass of people
children are screaming him: "Run!"
he is taken over by his primitive instincts
as his barges to the products

  In the supermarket parking lot...

Then seven years passed
and the whole system collapsed
gates of the supermarket was closed
and fish finger was swimming at the cold container

Then the hordes of beggars arrived
pounding the supermarket gates
and there at the midst of the hungry
I see the dad, mum and the children also

  In the supermarket parking lot
  there is a crowd and a buzz
  In the supermarket parking lot
  you can hear the schackles clinging
  In the supermarket parking lot
  You hear people talking
  In the supermarket parking lot
  That's the death rattle of our society

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