Helsinki Mandoliners
One of the nicest tunes is "Marching gigue." "Is this a Celtic album?" you might ask. Olli Varis' "Cauchyn Horisontti" has an odd jazzy Latin beat. "Ingela and Morten" sounds Ostrobothnian (Swedish-Finnish). "Kolmas Rastas" is fast Joplin-style pop. "Kaustilainen menuetti ja polska" is slower and more stately, at least at first. And then there's a familiar Finnish tango, "Siltatanssit-tango." Some of the other tracks seem less memorable.
All the mandolinists play on all the tracks and there are few identifiable solos, so it's hard to single any of the players out for comment! The mando pickers play with each other, strum behind, and twine around each other like a pretty grapevine. Tapani Varis' bass is easier to pick out, as his fingers nimbly flick behind the front-liners and keep a jazz-flavored bassline going to complement all those high plinks!
Recommended for mandolin and acoustic music enthusiasts and Fennophiles. Hauska tavata! - Judith Gennett
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