With six out the album’s seven tracks done in collaboration with kindred spirits in far-reaching dance music such as Khanyisa, Demi Ma and others, the trio of DJs and beat crafters that make up the group expand upon “The Explosion,” an end-of-the-school year event where young beat connoisseurs, dancers, and sound system masters initially sowed the seeds of gqom. “Bafana iMali”, a collab with Grammy-winning Una Rams and featuring gqom producer Que DJ, sports a spastic jerk of a pulse and call and response vocals that slip through a musical maze. “Qoh Qoh,” featuring Dee Traits, is start/stop funk, contagious and persistent, a track that forever seems as if any moment it could explode; the tension it creates instead builds slowly over its six minutes of dance floor euphoria. What Omagoqa and their various partners in controlled pulse emissions create is a homemade, internet-shaped regional music that has used the tool as a means of connection, a place to drop tracks and spread gqom across Durban before compilations such as 2016’s Gqom Oh! The Sound of Durban vol 1 brought it to the rest of the world. Omagoqa’s music shares that same nerve-tingling suspension with Chicago’s footwork, but without the unsettling jitteriness. Instead, their version of gqom kicks open club doors and invites sweaty surrender.
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