Pepe Kalle (1951-1998)
Kalle Pepe Kalle (Kabasele Yampanya), the Zairean singer and bandleader who was literally and figuratively larger than life, died on November 28, 1998. He is survived by his wife and five children.

Pepe Kalle was born in Kinshasa, Zaire in 1951 and came up through the ranks of the legendary Le Grand Kalle (Joseph Kabasele)'s outfit, African Jazz. He got his own band together in 1970, but his glory days began when he formed Empire Bakuba in 1972. Like many other Zairean stars of the period, he began recording and performing in Paris and moved from there to a high profile international career.

Kalle was known far and wide as "The Elephant Of Zaire," "La Bombe Atomique," and "The Giant Of Africa". His singing voice was instantly recognizable - a robust, manly baritone with a throaty catch to it that added a touch of soulful vulnerability. He was well over six feet tall and his acrobatic prowess as a dancer was unimpeded by his enormous girth. Kalle's on-stage antics with the late Emauro, a dwarf whose playfully salacious bits of business complimented Kalle's incredible agility, will never be forgotten by anyone lucky enough to catch them in their heyday. In the film "La Vie Est Belle," a delightful comedy about the Kinshasa music scene starring Papa Wemba and featuring Emauro and a host of other Soukous luminaries, Kalle's inspired clowning culminated in an awe-inspiring full body pratfall! Privately, however, he was unpretentious and thoughtful, with a hesitant, boyish smile and a relaxed yet stately demeanor.

His recorded output was as outsized as everything else about him. "Larger Than Life" (Stern's) is a good example of his later, light-as-air, pop oriented material and Globestyle's compilation "Gigant-Afrique" is a fine all-around overview. "Pon Moun Paka Bouge" is one of the first speed-Soukous tracks and an exilarating must-have. "Bakuba Show" "L'Argent Ne Fait Pas Le Bonheur" and "Adieu Dr Nico" are all wonderful as well. Kalle's collaborations with other bands, notably Zaiko Langa Langa, members of OK Jazz ("Chante La Poete Simaro") and with the singer Nyboma from Quatre Etoiles ("Moyibi" is one) are treasures of great value and well worth seeking out.
- Christina Roden

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