Ibon Koteron
Airea moves from the high energy of "Lurraren Nigarra" to more contemplative pieces such as "Bakuna da Biderra." The toe-tapping "Nabilela" features the complex rhythms of the txalaparta and Galician vocal group Faltriquera. "Tsambouna" is a complex piece, one of several with echoes of Bizkaian koplas (traditional songs).
Airea not only highlights the alboka ("Txili Sauce" is a nice solo) but gives space to other instruments as well. The spotlight is shared with notable Basque artists such as vocalist Ruper Ordorika, and some fine international artists. These include Gilles Chabenat on hurdy gurdy; the Corsican group Soledona; the Armenian duduk player Roston Kuchichian and Finnish wind-instrument makers and players Pekka Westerholm and Heikki Syrj�nen, founders of the World Mankeri Orchestra.
The focus throughout this ambitious and enjoyable work is a meditation on the past, present and future of the alboka, in which Koteron and friends produce moments of pure joy. - David Cox
CD available from cdRoots
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