Epifani Barbers
Rapping and echoes of Africa feature on "Marannui" and "Uenosapistacuiet," the latter sung in Italamerican but sounding like it comes from the heart of Africa. That is followed by a modern take on tarantella going by the name of "Ci criti o non ci criti" that sounds like one scary son of a song. Its lyrics, about being bitten by a critter and being in serious pain and probably hallucinating, evoke the feeling perfectly. Once the song is over, you'll feel like you've just been in a rough neighborhood - before being bitten by a snake and getting drunk courtesy of a posse of gangsta rappers. It's crazy, and very appropriate. That gives way to "Amsterdam," which sounds like the sweetest thing ever.
I cannot really fathom the fact that all this cornucopia of sounds is created by basically a mandolin (or mandoloncello or mandola), an accordion and keyboards, a bass, percussion and a guest musician playing cymbal. The instruments used also pint to the modernity of the sound: this doesn't sound like an ethnic record, although it most certainly is. Rather, it has a musical affinity with the work of the Greek artist Thanassis Papakonstantinou, where you have modern songs that just delve into tradition when they have to do so for purely musical reasons.
Mimmo Epifani and his band of Barbers have created one of the best records of the year: This is by turns a bellyaching funny, heartwarmingly emotional, deeply political, majestically satirical and always perfectly executed record that belongs in the musical vanguard while being deeply rooted in tradition. - Nondas Kitsos
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