The trio of Fernhill is creating a powerful new folk music in Europe, one that is born of a deep love of Welsh music, but does not hesitate to tread into other parts of the continent for grace and inspiration. Julie Murphy is one of the best traditional voices in Briatin these days, and her deep understanding of Welsh music and language shines through here. Her strong, simple voice is a rare pleasure in an age of overhyped and overworked "new folk" singers.
Andy Cutting, also a Brit, is a diatonic button accordion player of great skill, and has made music with folkies like Chris Wood, Pete Morton and June Tabor, as well as some heavy-weight popsters like Sting. His playing here is direct and vital, a powerful, unadorned punch. Welsh musician Ceri Rhys Matthews plays guitar, cittern and reed instruments, and has been a champion of the welsh culture for a long time.
"Fi Wela" is an exemplary collaboration of cultural sounds from Welsh, British and Breton traditions, and provides each member a strong voice.
Song is ©2000 Beautiful Jo Records and Bigtime Music Publishing and is used with their kind permission.
Whilia is available from cdRoots
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