George Sibanda
What is most interesting in this recording is that it tells several stories at once, as the liner notes make clear. The central story might be that of the Sibanda himself, famous from South Africa to Kenya in his heyday. But the author of the liner notes, Michael Baird, admits that he could not even find a photo of the singer after placing an ad in Sibanda's hometown newspaper, the Bulawayo Chronicle. So we have instead some vintage photos of the Bulawayo Town Hall, rail station, and steam engines (which were still running in Zimbabwe in the middle 90s). His exact date of birth is not known, nor could the producers find the precise date of his death of alcohol poisoning in the late 1950s. Despite this tragic end, the liner notes call his style "happy-go-lucky," and it seems accurate and appropriate, considering his audience and the era when he came to fame. The lyrics of the album tell stories of the industrialization of the cities of southern Africa in the middle of the last century, of train stations and airplanes, of hip urban gangsters in their fancy dress, of rowdy nights in segregated bars and of young men struggling to collect the cattle needed to pay the bride price to marry their hometown sweethearts. These are songs sung to forget one's troubles, far from the electric protest music of Sibanda's successors such as Thomas Mapfumo and Oliver Mtukudzi. Lastly, the album is also about the man who first recorded Sibanda, the very well-documented Hugh Tracey, a white South Rhodesian who crisscrossed Africa recording as many artists as he could find. So we have three pages dedicated to Mr. Tracey's efforts and production techniques - he apparently had no special fondness for recording engineers, saying "Either they can handle Africa but can't record, or else they can record but can't handle Africa!" Also noted is Hugh Tracey's indefatigable work habits, which resulted in the release of 210 records in his "Sound of Africa" series. So many years later, we can be thankful for the efforts of George Sibanda and Hugh Tracey, without which we would not have these historical recordings. - Craig Tower Listen to some short excerpts Available from cdRoots
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