Niss Kerstin
Amigo (

Singer and composer Niss Kerstin has assembled an impressive cast of musicians to create an ambitious and beautiful song cycle based on the poetry of Nobel Prize winning writer Harry Martinson. Mats Edén on fiddle, Anders Hagberg on saxophones and flute, percussionist Terje Isungset, bassist Johannes Lundberg and the keyboards of Rickard Åström offer ample talent for the realization of Kerstin's musical settings for Martinson's poems about trees (träd). The music ranges from slow and introspective folk ballads to expansive and rambunctious jazz inspired epics, a mirror to Martinson's dual fascination with the microscopic and cosmic aspects of nature.(The Nobel committee awarded him "for writings that catch the dewdrop and reflect the cosmos.")

Kerstin's slightly thin, very humane voicing of these pieces is perfect. She can be just a wisp of vocal, seeming to be almost at the breaking point, but then the next moment she can shout to the wind and bend to the forces of nature. the production by Karl Seglem is organic and flowing, offering the musicians ample room to create mood and space. An excellent interpretation of poetry into music is always difficult. This group of artists have found a musical as well as textual approach to bring Martinson's poetry to the ear. - CF

Trad is available from cdRoots

"Askarna" written by Niss kerstin, based on the peom by Harry Martinson. Published by Amigo Musik, Sweden, and used with their express permission. Copyright 1998 Amigo.

See also: Sweden
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