Lila Downs
Downs weaves a numinous tapestry of indigenous Mexican and Latin American traditions with Tex-Mex, North American folk, blues, jazz, rock, funk, and hip-hop inflections. Hers is an astonishing voice whose mimetic brilliance, affecting coloration and soaring range (in Spanish, English, and indigenous Mexican idioms) reflect a mesmerizing creative tension that razes all categories. Listeners unfamiliar with her work may recall her riveting appearance in the 2002 film Frida, wherein she played a Vargas-like singer, a one-woman Greek chorus to the protagonist's unrelieved suffering (even against a powerful cameo by Vargas herself, Downs more than holds her own).
On this re-release of her 1997 U.S. small-label debut (now with a different song order, three bonus tracks, and expanded bilingual notes), Downs sings mostly in Spanish, including a pair of songs featuring the Tlahuitoltepec Music School children's band (whose muddy brass sonorities carry the listener to a municipal plaza somewhere in Oaxaca), and some haunting Mixtec and Zapotec offerings. The repertoire features regional folk classics ("La llorona," "El venadito"), pieces by Oaxacan composers M�ximo Ram�n Ort�z (the title track), Chuy Rasgado ("Naila"), �lvaro Carrillo ("Sabor a m�," "Un poco m�s," "Pinotepa"), Jos� L�pez Alav�z ("Canci�n mixteca"), and poet Juan de Dios Ort�z Cruz ("Yucu yucu ninu"), plus Downs and Cohen originals.
The ensemble (piano, clarinet, tenor and baritone sax, guitar, bass, Latin percussion) commands a variety of idioms, in brilliant complement to the singer. For Downs, music entails a sacred quest, one not without risk; but laying personal claim to some untouchable Latin classics, her captivating jazz-operatic sensibility is positively transformative, and "Perfume de gardenias," "La malague�a," and "B�same mucho" will never be the same. This is a vital introduction to a genuine and original voice whose exacting artistry, spiritual passion, dark complexity and terrifying beauty hold immense promise. - Michael Stone
(One annoying caveat: it's not the artist's fault, but this copy protected CD will commandeer your computer, and may not play properly on all equipment)
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