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Hugh Tracey (1903�1977) is one of the pillars of the discipline that still limps under the title of "ethnomusicology." Tracey's contributions as a primary researcher and field recorder are standing the test of time. His "Sound of Africa" series issued 210 recordings, published by the International Library of African Music (ILAM), which he had founded. These CDs are reissued recordings selected from that series and offer a glimpse of what has until now been mostly available only in academic archives.
Tracey's work began with the Shona of Zimbabwe but expanded far beyond that region of Africa. It was a remarkable time for Africa, as it shifted or prepared to shift from its history as colonized territories. In their own way, Tracey's recordings also document the history of recording machines used for remote fieldwork. Tracey's first, in the 1930s, involved a clockwork-powered machine that cut a groove in an aluminum disc. Not till much later did he attain stereo recording capability with a Nagra. His microphone technique was to seek out the sound he wanted, hand holding the microphone to capture a spontaneous field mix that comes through superbly on these recordings. Tracey, it seems, sought to capture and document a cross-section of society in the tribal villages, schools, workplaces and anywhere else he found music. That wasn't always the most proficient performer. These recordings work like a time machine. Look at the dates listed for each compilation and then recall what was occurring around the world and Africa in those days. Africa is is a difficult place for field recording today; imagine the logistics involved in making these recordings in the days of heavy, clumsy, mono recorders. Tracey not only recorded sound but also lives, with a spirit that must be considered phenomenal for field recordings fifty or sixty years old. Even among today's abundant choices in world music, these are the gems that I look for.
Complex linguistic and tribal relations are parsed out in the collection's organization. Notable tracks from the Ndau people include "Ndaa murombo" ("I am now a poor man"), a tune played with the mbira fixed inside a metal paraffin tin, "Ndenda ndofira Joni" ("I go to die in Johannsesburg"), a rough tune using the mulanji (a short, side-blown flute with two finger-holes), "Ndozofa msango" ("I shall die here in the bush"), a song that features the chizambi (friction mouth-bow), and "Samandoza iwe" ("Hey, Samandoza"), a 32-pulse hand-clapping dance song that highlights polyphonic vocal parts. From the Shona, start with the young Karanga boy singing and playing a karimba mbira on "Chirombo woye nditerere" ("Spirit listen to me"). On "Dendera jikwa" ("Ground hornbill shavi spirit"), the chizambi (friction mouth-bow) is mesmerizing. Songs from Shona dialect groups such as the Zezuru include "Shumba" ("Lion") and yet more mouth bow, all of which leads to recordings that are satisfying, subtle and unexpected.
An important producer's note explains that this series of recordings from the Hugh Tracey archive (now at 8 compilations) is not just a re-release of previously issued material. It will reappraise both the lifework of Hugh Tracey and the music of central and southern Africa from a particular place in time. The emphasis is the same as Tracey's, recordings whose music stands the test of time. Wonderful music is the result. - Richard Dorsett
Read about more of Hugh Tracey's recordings:
The entire Tracey series is available from cdRoots
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