We just reviewed Lynn Adib's 2024 work with Zeid Hamdan, as the duo Bedouin Burger. Here's a taste of some of her solo work, from her 2018 album Youmma.
Posted January 2025
Wishamalii is an adventurous trio based in Helsinki: singer, oud player and composer Nemat Battah (Palestine/Jordan), pianistand composer Kari Ikonen and Ethiopian-born, Finland-based percussionist Abdissa «Mamba» Assefa (Ethipia). Their newest work, Al-Bahr is rooted in classical Arab music but only as a starting point for new compositions. Ikonen has even refined a piano tuning to play the maqam notes at the heart of this music.
September, 2024
We'll have a review shortly from this album by Polish cymbaly and accordion player Karolina Wegrzyn, but here's a taste of it, a traditional Carpathian/Russian song that translates as "Whose scythe cuts well."
January 2025
Two Italians and a Belgian come together in Brussels... sounds like the beginning of a joke, I know. But the sounds that come fromthe instruments, voices and hearts of Flavia Clementi (vocals, shruti box, percussion), Federico Bragetti (cello, vocals, percussion) and Thomas Van Bogaert (guitar, vocals, percussion) is serious, joyous and absobs all the influences a city like Brussels seems to embrace.
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About RootsWorld: RootsWorld is a world music magazine started in 1993, pretty much at the dawn of the term "world music" as well as the pre-dawn of internet publishing (I suspect this was the first music magazine of any sort published on the www). Our focus is the music of the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, Pacifica and The Americas, the roots of the global musical milieu that has come to be known as world music, be it traditional folk music, jazz, rock or some hybrid. How is that defined? I don't know and don't particularly care at this point: it's music from someplace you aren't, music with roots, music of the world and for the world. OK?
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The RootsWorld name is protected by US trademark law.
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